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Priyanka Chopra and Virat Kohli in Instagram Rich List 2019

Instagram Rich List 2019 : Instagram is now seen as a full-time career by individuals. A lot of celebrities take home hefty cheques from influencer marketing and paid posts. started producing the Instagram rich list in 2017 on the basis of influencer rate cards, internal Hopper HQ data, and public information. Every year since 2017, Hopper publishes the Instagram Rich List. This year’s list is a bit special as 2 Indians have been able to secure their spots in the list. Captain of the Indian Cricket Team Virat Kohli and actress, writer, and overachiever Priyanka Chopra have made it to the Instagram Rich List 2019. The list is published by and the basis of ranking is simple; most amount of money charged by celebrities, sports personalities, and other public figures for promoting a brand’s product on Instagram. Priyanka Chopra Jonas grabbed the 19th spot charging $271,000 per post. Virat Kohli stood at 23rd position as he earned $196,000 from each promot...
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Are Cartoon Shows Good for Your child health?

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