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Showing posts from June, 2019

How To Control High Blood Pressure Without Medication

High  blood pressure  is not a disease but an alarm to set the system of the body right. High blood pressure is a curse of modern times which can give birth to many  diseases  which could end up one’s life. Some of the acute diseases are Kidney failure, Eye defects, Heart diseases weakness, Paralysis etc. Symptoms These are the indicators which can let you know about high blood pressure. Pain behind the head and neck Restlessness and irritation Mental imbalance Headache Pain in chest Puzzlement Anger Poor digestive system Reddening of the eyes Palpitation Sleeplessness Bleeding from the nose and many more Causes High blood pressure can be due to any of the factors listed below: Constipation Indigestion Increase of cholesterol in the blood Smoking Inefficiency of the kidneys Obesity Wrong food habits Acidic food products like- tea, coffee, salt, sugar, sauce, fried and spicy food etc. Working beyond one’s capacity, Lack of proper e...

Can Yoga Really Cure Cancer?

Cancer is a dangerous disease, which gets expressed in any part of the body in the form of coagulated mass of cells, which is called tumor. By the time one comes to know about it, it is already late. Because initial stages rarely get detected and when the things become clear, it gets spread largely in the body. As soon as, it gets diagnosed, patient should immediately switch over to Naturopathy treatment. Yoga alone cannot cure cancer, but yes if combined with Naturopathy, then a patient can enhance his life and slowly will come back to normal. Though Yoga Guru Ramdev claimed that regular practice of seven Pranayama popularized by him had successfully cured any type of cancer within 6 to 9 months along with the consumption of wheat grass juice and eating neem and  Tulsi leaves . A Delhi based Yoga therapist of South Delhi (Subhash Sharma, who spent 19 years in a gurukul in Rajasthan and is also a post-graduate from the Kasturba Medical College, Manipal) strongly rec...

These Could Be Some Adverse Affects of Mobile Usage on Your Child

Before jumping into the mystery of the affect of  mobile usage  on children, it becomes necessary to understand the mobiles and the brain separately. As they both are directly proportional to each other. What are mobiles? For the developing country like India, technology is playing a key role in helping to move developing countries toward sustainable growth. A mobile phone is a wireless handheld device that allows one to communicate to and fro. It also send text messages, in addition to other features. In 1973 it was created by Martin Cooper a Motorola researcher and executive. In seventies mobiles could only make and receive calls. But the modern mobile phones, however, are containing many smart features, like games, cameras, video players, internet and even navigational systems. They are called as smart phones, which was developed and created by IBM in 1995. Now it has become a necessity and has spread its usage like fire. It has become a friend of everyone from one da...

Destination wedding best places to get married

​​​​​​​ यदि आप किसी अच्छी से Destination Wedding का विचार कर रहे है। तो आज हम आपको भारत की कुछ विशेष Destination Wedding के बारें में बताएंगे।   भारत में बस   कुछ समय बाद शादी का सीजन शुरू होने वाला है। ऐसे में सभी लोग एक अच्छी - सी Destination Wedding को सर्च करते है। तथा कई लोग   बीच वेडिंग , गार्डन वेडिंग या सनसेट वेडिंग के लिए एक अच्छी से जगह सर्च करते है। इतना ही नही बहुत से लोग अपने बजट के अनुसार , Destination Wedding की खोज करते है। गोवा यदि आप भी अपनी शादी के लिए भारत में किसी अच्छी सी Destination Wedding के बारें मे सोच रहे है तो गोवा आपके लिए बहुत अच्छा विकल्प है। क्योंकि गोवा को Destination Wedding के लिए काफी पसंद किया जाता है। तथा अधिकतर लोग अपनी शादी के लिए इस स्थान को चुनते है। युवाओं की पहली पसंद गोवा होता है। बीच वेडिंग , गार्डन वेडिंग या सनसेट वेडिंग के लिए गोवा अधिक प्रसिद्ध है। इसके अलावा , आपको यहाँ पर ...